Title tag is habitually known as
title of any document. Title tag is often use to show title of specific page
either in browser tab, SERPs preview snippet or socially shared links.
HTML code – Title
History of Google Algorithm Updates </title>
How to optimize title according to search engine guideline
Search engine friendly title is
worthwhile to achieve peak in search engine result pages. To write search
engine friendly title you must obey following guideline.
Optimize title length
Length of title should be in between 50 to 60 characters
because SERPs preview snippet takes first 55 – 60 characters in SERP preview. Google
has fixed 512 PX for SERPs preview snippet, if you write lengthy title - only
few characters will be displayed.
Include keywords in
page title
Format of title must be “Primary Keyword – Secondary
Keyword | brand (company name)”
Words which probably use to search any topic are known as
keyword. Try to include relevant keywords in page title but keep in mind that
title must be relevant and descriptive to web page content. Your page preview
snippet will get maximum clicks if you write a title masterly with efficiency which
can draw a rough sketch about the content you have written in the webpage.
Sometimes webmasters use all capital letters into title
tag but I personally suggest do not use all capital letters. Capitalized
characters take more pixels then small letters and preview size has fixed with
512 px. The number of displayed characters wills reduse while you use all
capital latters.
Make sure – Title is
Search engine and searchers considers each web pages as a
replica of each other if every web page have same title and description. So
that always write unique and relevant title for every webpage.
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